Tucker Ranch

Stephenville, TX 76465

For Sale: $1,595,000

2 Beds
2 Baths
1,056 sq ft
Lot 85.79 acres
2 car garage




If you're looking for a Turnkey Property to live on or just maybe a weekend retreat, this ranch has virtually anything you're likely looking for. It has been meticulously managed for 13 yrs with a focus on creating a Wildlife Sanctuary for all native species.

This property has it all - acres of 2' tall native grasses, a lake full of bass, catfish, & bluegill, excellent hunting for Whitetail deer, turkeys, dove or ducks, plus 75 acres of excellent grazing for your horses or cattle.

Located 2 miles west of Morgan Mill, TX, it is on one of the most desirable County Roads where other properties have sold very quickly for lots of reasons. There are also several beautiful ranches along this road. It's a nice neighborhood!

It is located 55 miles WSW of Ft Worth and 15 miles South of the Intersection of I20 & Hwy 281. It is 2 1/2 miles west of Morgan Mill.Main Entrance off Co Rd 132 at SW Corner of Ranch.


The ranch has very appealing topography with 135' of elevation change. Should you wish to build a larger home and use the current home as guest facility, there are a dozen or more spectacular views all over the property. The range is 70% Live Oaks and Post Oaks, which supply abundant acorns in the fall. The other 30% is made up of Elm, Maple, Cedar, Mesquite, & Cottonwoods. There are approximately 200 native Pecan trees along the creek with some of the best tasting pecans you'll ever eat!On the north end of the ranch there are Wild Mustang Grapes that cover a lot of the underbrush and fence lines. Those grapes make some awful tasty Grape Jelly.The land is 50/50 mixture of thick cover & open pastures which have sparse Oak trees as well.


Wildlife is abundant. There has never been a Whitetail Deer harvested in the last 13 yrs. Last Fall there were 4 bucks in the 130 to 140 Boone & Crockett Class. Overall Deer Population is around 20 animals. At any given time there could be as many as 3 groups of Rio Grande turkeys with 20 birds. These turkeys are present all year around. There are 4 different species of Doves: Morning Doves, Eurasian Collared Doves, Whitewing and Inca.The 2 acre lake will have as many as 75 ducks in the fall & winter: Mallards, Wood Ducks, Pintails, Canvasback, Blue & Green Winged Teal. There is a family of Gray Foxes who steal peaches off the trees around, and occasionally you'll see a Bobcat, Coyote, Raccoon, or Wild Hog and one Porcupine that shows up every now and then too! Fall & Spring Foodplots planted every year with 20%-25% Protein Food Sources provide supplemental feed & hold wildlife on property.


There is a 2 acre lake that was stocked 3 yrs ago with bass with Camelot Bell genetics, Blue Catfish, Coppernose Bluegill, Redear Sunfish, & Fathead minnows. This is a very healthy fishery as you'll catch a fish on virtually every cast. Floating Fish food is often fed to the catfish, bluegill, and minnows.


There are 9 Eastern Bluebird houses so lots of them around. Painted & Indigo Buntings, Robins, Thrushes, Cardinals, Mockingbirds, Blue Jays, Wrens, Chickadees, Tanagers, Finches, & lots of Hummingbirds! Two bird feeders & two Hummingbird feeders. Falcons, Kite, Kestrels, and several species of Hawks.


300' deep Water Well in Trinity Aquifer makes 25 GPM

3 Water Lines buried 12" deep (prevent exposure to freezing) run from Pump House to Front Gate, Ranch House and Barn.

12 Stage Irrigation System waters the acreage around the house.

2 hp Electric Water Pump that can be run continuously.


Supplied by United Coop; Individual Meters for Front Gate, House, & Barn.


Approximately 2 1/2 miles of 5 strand barbed wire in Good/Excellent condition


The Entry of a Ranch sets the tone for what's behind it! Lighted and Coded Power Front Gate has eight 2'x 2'x 6' tall white rock columns connected by 3 joints of 3" black tubing. Two 12' Black Iron gates are landscaped with perennial and annual flowers.

8' Wide Chip Seal Driveway from Front Gate to Garage

2 ACRE FENCED PASTURE beyond entrance (fenced with 5" Black Vinyl Rails Horse Fence)

TWO CAR GARAGE: 300 SQ FT, Foam Insulated on Concrete foundation

RANCH STYLE HOME: 1000 SQ FT, 2 Bedroom 2 Bath with 18' Vaulted Ceilings. Floors in Main Living Area done in beautiful Australian Cypress Wood. Front & Rear entrances have Gray/Blue/Tan/Brown tiles as do bathroom floors as well.

ATTACHED CONCRETE PORCH: 20'x 16' (if you want to add on to the house, there are plans available to do that)

METAL BARN: 1500 SQ FT (includes porches), 40'x 25' Foam Insulated with Metal Siding and a painted 16'x 9' Texas State Flag on side.

2 ENCLOSED HORSE STALLS: 10’x10’ with 12" thick concrete foundation

ATTACHED COVERED SHED: 30'x 30' for farm equipment parking or hay storage.

FENCED DOG RUN & KENNEL: 10'x 60' Partially Covered

WORKING CATTLE PENS with Squeeze Chute & 1/2 acre Catch Pen

5 INDIVIDUAL FENCED PASTURES, ranging ½ acre to 8 acres, each with multiple gates and fresh water drinking troughs

Directions: Morgan Mill is 15 miles S of I-20 on Hwy 281. Turn west on 1188.  The first left is County Rd 132. 

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